Sonja Smith

We think our board members are pretty well-rounded and come from all different backgrounds. Sonja definitely rounds out our group with her passion for the arts and background in education and management. Sonja Smith received her BA in Music from Birmingham Southern and her Masters in Music from Louisiana State University.

Sonja has worked in the nonprofit arena, in city government, and in academia over the course of her career, and is currently a Program Manager for UAB Medicine. She is known for her strategic planning and community outreach, as well as, her love for the arts. While you think she would need a strong cup of coffee to do all the things she does she actually prefers a cup of Earl Grey tea. The only thing she can’t do is snap and suddenly be in a different location. It’s a superpower she is working on, instant relocation. She will let us know when she figures it out!

“I love that ELI is building community through empowerment and education.”

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