Kristen Jones-Administrative Assistant

Meet Kristen Jones, ELI’s Administrative Assistant, although she likes to call herself the ELI Advocate because she is an Enneagram 8. Kristen started in January of 2022 and we have been so thankful for her support and advocacy!

Kristen was raised in Clay, Alabama and graduated with a Bachelor of Human Environmental Science in Interior Design from the University of Alabama. Kristen is married, with three kids who rock her world. She has two precious daughters and one hilarious son, and a doggy Vinny. You may actually recognize Vinny because he is famous for winning the most beautiful dog (medium size division) in a dog pageant.

Kristen would consider herself a minimalist and tries to live with as few possessions as possible. She loves living a sustainable lifestyle and will gladly donate, purge and pass things down to friends and those in need. Her one exception is any of her children’s artwork, she will keep that forever. God changed her life years ago and helped her realize that her joy will never come from worldly possessions, but her true joy and contentment come from Jesus Christ alone!

“The most inspiring part of my job is seeing lives transformed on a daily basis. Knowing that one kind word or action can change the direction of someone's life! Working at ELI is an amazing reminder that everyone is fighting battles that we can't see and to constantly show people Grace. I love the fact that I get to serve others every day, less of me and more of Jesus every day! It is a joy to daily watch ELI provide help and Hope. Help for the temporary struggles of this world and Hope in Jesus Christ for Eternity!”