Dr. Christson Adedoyin

Dr. Christson Adedoyin is a familiar face to all of us at ELI Thrive where he has been serving on the board for over six years. His academic career began with his undergraduate degree from the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, his Masters from Beeson Divinity School at Samford University, and his Doctorate from the University of Kentucky. He is currently a professor of Social Work at Samford University.

His career and background have made him quite the traveler but of all the places he has been, Antarctica is his favorite passport stamp. He is married to his wife of 16 years, Oreoluwa and they have two lovely daughters. He loves integrating faith and learning in the social work profession and we love having him serve on our board.

When asked what he loves about ELI, Dr. Christson Adedoyin said, “Implementation of an innovative social enterprise model of intergenerational and wholistic family intervention services to address housing, and personal development challenges.”

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